Custom Mysteries

Grace is available for free consultation on game adjustments and custom writing for unique games specific to your event or party.


Modifications to Current Mysteries

Customizations include changing character names, locations, and genders of existing mysteries.

Locations start at $50, modifying genders and/or names start at $100.

Connect with Grace

To get a specific time/cost quote from Whodunnit Mysteries, please fill out the form below and contact us, and we will be happy to discuss options with you.

  • Custom MysterĨes Develĉĥment

    After the initial consultation, Grace will take you through an in-depth discovery of the details you want in your mystery, do research, write character parts and supplemental information, find recipes and resources for your customized Pinterest board, test the game twice, format each component of the game for delivery. With this level of detail, a 90-day timeline produces the best results.

    Custom Mysteries Development


    Request A Free Custom Mystery Consultation

    What kind of work goes into a custom game?

    Custom Mysteries Development

    General Starting Prices

    A variety of factors will determine the final cost of custom mystery development with Grace. Complete a contact form to get set up with a free consultation with Grace.

    For exclusive rights:
    For exclusive rights:
    For exclusive rights
    For exclusive rights:
    For exclusive rights:
    *Additional Players 14+
    Starting at
    $100 per
    For exclusive rights:
    $250 per

    *Additional Players 14+

    Individual Stories can be created per player
    OR A single story for 5-7 people to play together as a team.

    Contact Grace for your free consultation and see what kind of mystery she can create for you, or fill out our custom game request form.