
Exactly what you’ve been looking for in a mystery game: family-friendly stories and quirky characters designed just how you like them so they keep you guessing “Whodunnit.”


you can enjoy family-friendly murder mystery games with quirky characters and clever clues to keep you guessing “Whodunnit”.

A Whodunnit Mystery Game invites interaction and thinking on your feet!

What’s included:

Meet Grace

She’s a second-generation mystery game writer from a family of writers. Be at ease putting yourself in her expert hands and have a hilarious night not being yourself.

Grace’s father and mother, Monte and Barbara Cady created Whodunnit Mysteries in 1988 as a way to bring cleaner fun to the rather dark and suggestive game industry. It was their answer to wanting various G-rated games with imaginative, unusual crimes that they could enjoy with adults and neighbors—their kids and friends could even enjoy some.

Grace grew up her entire life playing her parents’ games—shaping her love for stories and writing. With a lifetime of mystery thinking, she brings her expertise to the mystery planning and quirkiness of character development found in the games of today.

Choose a mystery, invite some friends and be prepared to have a fun, interactive experience with one of her clever stories.

Are you looking for more?

Grace is available for free consultation on game adjustments and custom writing for unique games specific to your event or party.

No Mystery too 

small or too


to enjoy

Whether you are hosting a small dinner gathering for friends or family or you want a large corporate event—Whodunnit Mysteries scales with you.

Slip into character with an award winning costume.

Game play goes to a whole different level when you play in costume! Grace has plenty of Pinterest boards to get the ideas going.

The fun doesn’t end after the party!

Stay connected on social.​

Post your best costume look with a hashtag like this, #WDIM(insertcharactername) or find new ways to enjoy some laughter while connecting with Grace and others.

Whodunnit Mysteries offers a wide variety of games to get you silly or mystified.​

The Mysteries

The Style

Whodunnit Mysteries offers a wide variety of games to get you silly or mystified.

Are you ready to be delighted with an unforgettable night of intrigue and laughter? 

Let’s go pick a mystery!

Are you ready to be delighted with an unforgettable night of intrigue and laughter? 

Let’s go pick a mystery!